autor: Martin Ondráček | Dub 5, 2024 | News
Thrilled to announce our participation in the Career Days of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at ČVUT in Prague! 🚀 Join us at Technická 4 and Technická 2, Prague 6 – Dejvice, as we showcase opportunities at our space...
autor: Martin Ondráček | Říj 8, 2023 | News
Our SSMS dispenser played a crucial role in the upcoming VV23 space flight. “The smallest classes of satellites – all the way down to tiny CubeSats , built from 10cm modular boxes – have typically ‘piggybacked’ to orbit. They have to make use of any spare capacity as...
autor: Martin Ondráček | Čvn 26, 2023 | News
We have taken part in the discussion on the floor of the upper chamber of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Official report and photos from the Senate of the Czech Parliament.
autor: Martin Ondráček | Čvn 20, 2023 | News
Launching two microsatellites equipped with advanced technologies into Earth orbit to find sources of raw materials in space – this is the goal of the SLAVIA space mission, which successfully completed preparatory phase verifying its overall technological solution....
autor: Martin Ondráček | Dub 27, 2023 | News
Recently, we presented SAB Aerospace´s project IOSLAB, the In-Orbit Servicing LABoratory. IOSLAB is a standardized reusable modular facility to provide pressurized or unpressurized laboratory environment for different experiments in microgravity onboard the Space...
autor: Martin Ondráček | Bře 30, 2023 | News
The Plato Week #14 is held in Prague, Czech Republic. The scientific workshop is jointly organised by the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Astronomical Institute of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague....